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They combat food waste and save consumers' pockets – The number of companies with this purpose is growing in Brazil. Understand.

For those who believe that business opportunities in today's market only exist for premium products and who focus on class A, understand... business is made for those who have good ideas, the rest is just an excuse. We will show you companies that are growing in this scenario, like Food To Save.

If there is a huge market emerging based on the needs of the richest public, it starts to become more interesting to generate solutions for those who don't have that much to invest in a good purchase, or who, in fact, aren't even focusing on that.

Another piece of information, as the market focuses on generating more and more solutions for the premium niche, more products are put on display windows and consequently, more waste (supply is much greater than demand).

Image taken from the Food To Save app, a company that developed a solution to avoid waste in the bakery and restaurant market.

In this, companies that look at the opposite side of the coin, try to understand how to make sustainable use of everything that is produced, relaying it to the market for a new audience, people who would not be able to buy directly from the manufacturer, but who with the values smaller items that would otherwise be wasted, are able to take advantage of opportunities for consumption very well.

Well, Food To Save, in addition to 59 other startups, created a business model designed to bring wasted, lost or close to expiry food to the end customer's table.

sfoodtech activities Food to Save, (Photo: taken from the PEGN Magazine website)

In the case of Food To Save, the end customer can purchase a surprise bag for R$15 with items that would be thrown away at the end of a bakery's business hours. I have already tried purchasing through the app and had an excellent experience, and I even continued purchasing on other occasions. Sometimes paying R$15, I received bags that would easily cost R$50 – R$60, very advantageous!

Some important data about this food waste market:

  • According to the UN, wasting 1.3 billion tons of food costs the global economy US$ 750 billion per year;
  • More than 19 million Brazilians go hungry while the country wastes 26 million tons of food per year;
  • Law 14,016 came into force, which provides for the fight against food waste and the donation of surpluses, authorizing the donation of surplus food within its validity period and within ideal conservation conditions suitable for human consumption;
  • The BRF Institute, in addition to projects focused on philanthropy since 2012, has now started investing in impact startups in the country.

Did you enjoy reading?

So, tell me in the comments if you think this is a great market to generate solutions, in addition to solving a huge global problem. What other solutions in this general waste market would you consider doing?

Thank you very much for reading!

Capital Reset - https://www.capitalreset.com/cruzada-contra-a-fome-brf-acelera-8-startups-anti-desperdicio/
OPEN - https://www.abre.org.br/sustentabilidade/empresas-se-unem-para-combater-desperdicio-de-alimentos/
Food To Save - https://www.foodtosave.com.br/
Food in focus - https://alimentacaoemfoco.org.br/o-que-o-brasil-esta-fazendo-contra-o-desperdicio-de-alimentos/

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