How to have financial freedom without having to start a new business.

A stock guide for you as an entrepreneur who wants the chance to become truly rich and get out of this daily struggle of needing money to just pay bills, all without leaving or giving up the business you already have.

Financial freedom is a status in life when a person can choose to do whatever they want without worrying about money. Whether or not she will be able to pay the basic bills, if she wants to take a last-minute trip with her family or buy something to please herself that was on sale.

It’s called “freedom” exactly for this reason, no longer needing to worry excessively about it. But to reach this professional level, you have to commit to some actions and develop an awareness that will actually put you in this reality.

The problem is not in your type of business, it is in your mentality.

We need to start talking about what if you are not aware of, there will be no point in moving on to the next actions.

If you believe that there is a specific area or type of fashion business that will make you rich, stop thinking like that now.

To help you change this mentality, just be aware of one thing: if your mentality were right, what would explain why there are so many rich people with completely different businesses? Some even get rich selling some products that we didn't even imagine anyone needed.

The answer to this is: Success does not depend on the business itself, it depends on who is behind it.

Concluding this part, you then need to understand that you can become a millionaire with any effort you make, you just have to be willing to go all the way. Whoever gives up along the way dies by drowning.

Think about profit, not revenue.

“Léo, my company earns 1 million reais a year, I think I’m thriving!” My next question is, how much of this is left in your pocket?

As long as you believe that what you sell is how much you earn, you have two very worrying problems:

  1. Possibly you are not separating profits correctly, respecting reinvestment in the company and are taking everything that comes into your company as your salary. The result of this over time is a company full of debt and you are consequently broke.
  2. You must have a hole in your financial management and are not exactly looking to understand your monthly costs and expenses. In addition to bankrupting a company, it can cause several legal problems because I bet you are paying taxes incorrectly.

A business only exists as long as it is profitable. Clearly, if it is an “embryonic” business, you will possibly have phases in which all the money you earn for the company you reinvest, exactly so that it grows and over time you start to make a profit.

An owner mentality is not simply “paying like a boss”, but mainly, understanding the responsibility you have for the future of your business.

Delivering with quality is not a differentiator, it is the minimum.

So, tell me here in the comments if you think this is a great market to generate solutions, in addition to

Get out of your head that you have an obligation to be successful just because you always do everything with quality. No, quality is the minimum desired if you want to reach the level of “big players”. I'll explain why below.

The biggest problem with creating all these expectations about quality itself is that when you are discouraged with your business due to the down market, or because you receive some criticism from a customer, do you know what your first behavior will be? Start doing everything anyway. And believe me, this is the beginning of the end for your company.

That's why I always say, quality is not about judgment, because you need to do everything with extreme quality regardless of whether you are earning well or not because of it or if there are things demotivating you along the way, always keep your best.

It is exactly this audacious behavior of yours that no one needs to know, but that you will be feeling every day, that will take you to the top.

Believe me, people (your clients) notice a lot when you are doing your best, and even if you reach a level where you are charging beyond what they can pay, they will find a way to help you with sales. , whether recommending you to friends or promoting you on networks. People always support those who continue regardless of what happens.

As my partner Icaro Barboza likes to say, nothing beats constancy. Do it every day and do it well. I'll wait for you in a few years so you can tell me what happened!

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