Can #BBB22 teach you anything about business?

Could it be that in addition to entertainment for some people, an analysis and reflection on what society is for some curious people and even a way to make someone unknown a millionaire... could BBB22 interest anyone else in this story? Come with me, entrepreneur and businessman and we will reflect together.

The reality show Big Brother Brasil has been running for a good number of years and we are increasingly seeing two distinct groups forming. Those who can't wait for the new edition of the reality show to arrive and those who think it's an absurd waste of time. Which clique do I join in this story? For those who are trying to understand what is so important we can learn from BBB, precisely so as not to confirm that this is all in fact just entertainment and nonsense.

Well, if there is a perfect scenario that we can compare both the scenario and the BBB player skills to, it is in the business world, but precisely, the one that you as an entrepreneur live in.

You are a player facing several competitors in search of the prize

Not as intense as in BBB, but in the business world you always need to understand what the game is and who your competitors are. From this you can start to differentiate yourself and, above all, win over the judges, who in this case are customers spread across the world, who for a moment may be preferring to buy from your competitor, but you, as a good player, already have a designed plan on how to reverse this game, right?!

Having no principles puts you out of the game

In reality, we see people all the time who attract attention when they enter the house and who are immediately on social media and fan clubs, but as the game goes on, they fall as quickly as they rose to that status.

And along with this, people who previously didn't seem so popular begin to take the lead in the general public's votes, mainly due to identification with their principles and values.

This also works for our brands. You may have amazing marketing and huge budgets, but if you don't have principles, you're out of the game. 

The more options appear from competitors in the market, the more customers begin to intensify their judgments as to whether that company actually meets their needs, now not just a physical need, but a moral and ethical need, as if they were judging whether they would keep you. as her friend or not on a daily basis.

Financial organization and rationing prevent crises

If there's one thing that generates discussion in the brothers' house, it's the frequent lack of planning when shopping, which literally turns into fights in the kitchen. They need to worry in case they lose a game and suffer a penalty, which is why rationing and correct use of money to buy supplies is essential to remain firm in the game.

Mere entrepreneur who reads, run out of cash in your business and you will see the same chaos internally in your company and can even influence your family and relationships.

Take advantage of moments of “high tide” to surf this wave and raise cash, organize yourself financially, so that you can survive seasons of scarcity and drought.

The game is not about what's inside, it's about what's outside

To close, a topic that, like reality shows, will also cause a lot to talk about!

Many BBB players worry about talking about themselves throughout the game. About how she sees something, how she would do something, how she decides something and so on, her ego. Usually these people don't last long on the show, because a game where the viewers decide will always be about them and not the players. We have already mentioned this judgment factor in another topic here in the article.

So if someone wants to win the game, play for the public, not for yourself. Create identification with these people and pay attention to their reactions. Use this to your advantage.

In business, many companies are concerned about making the internal scenario impeccable, having processes designed for all functions and areas of the company, but they forget the essential thing: the customer is the one who decides what is good.

There's no point in your image being good for you, it has to be good for those who will buy from you. They need to trust and invest in your brand.

📞 The BIG PHONE rang... who will answer?

For those of you who read this far, it shows that you were indeed interested and that's why we're going to give you a bonus that can also become a challenge! (this is the risk of answering the call lol)

Send us a contact form using the form below, making it clear that you came to us through this article and you will receive a 45-minute consultation for your business. Let's explore how your company can be a successful player!

You answered the phone, now you have to do it 🔥


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