Selling is surviving the war: win 2 battles to success

The importance of Design and Storytelling as a sales strategy.

Increasing the number of your customers is one of the biggest headaches for an entrepreneur/businessman,

The first lesson that any entrepreneur sooner or later learns is that no matter how brilliant your idea is, if you don't sell it, you don't have a business. But what is selling? We can answer this question in several ways, here I'll get straight to the point. Selling is communicating in an attractive, efficient and convincing way the solution to a problem, generating value. 

Although the objective seems simple, it is not easy, especially when we consider the high competition and scarcity of resources. We compete for public attention at all times. While we seek a minute of attention whether physically or online, the marketing of thousands of other services and products are shouting other needs to our potential customers. Success in business depends on selling, and selling depends on capturing the attention and convincing a customer before he is distracted by another interest, this is a constant war.  

Just to contextualize a Media Dynamics survey published by SJ Insights in September 2014 showed that the average person sees more than 5 thousand brands and 362 advertisements per day. Paying attention to this relatively old data with the study released in 2021 by Couponation indicating that Brazilians spent almost 5 hours a day on social media in 2020, our exposure to media and advertising grew alarmingly.

It is necessary to prepare yourself technically so as not to end up at a loss. To simplify, I will explain this war in 3 battles and their respective preparation weapons:

The battle for attention

This is the first battle, perhaps the fiercest of all. Design is certainly one of the best weapons to emerge victorious. You've heard that we buy with our eyes. I want to make it clear that the design concept is comprehensive, involving logo, packaging, colors, usability, comfort, practicality, among many other issues. I am focusing here on just one part, the one that, from experience, captures our attention through aesthetics, fills our eyes and awakens desire through the immediate impact of the image. The brand's visual identity adds value to the product or service and becomes essential for our potential customer's first decision-making, stopping and considering. Therefore, I would venture to say that design is our first communication for sales. If you are not a professional at this point, you lost the first battle.

The battle for the relationship

After capturing attention, our second battle is as challenging as the first, engaging the public, relating. Storytelling is a powerful weapon for anyone moving to this level. Storytelling is the art of telling, developing and adapting stories using specific elements such as character, environment, conflict with a beginning, middle and end, to convey a message in an unforgettable way by connecting with the audience on an emotional level. 

The research conducted by SPC Brasil in 2016 by the National Confederation of Store Managers shows that purchasing cannot be seen as a totally rational decision. If this were the case, the public would be better prepared to deal with marketing stimuli and would not give in so often to the temptations of unnecessary purchases, often at the cost of debt, default or compromising personal and family budgets. 

Therefore, the purchase has a decisive emotional factor and storytelling is one of the tools to manage and induce emotions that allows a more intimate level of relationship because this is how the company humanizes itself, shares values, builds a common reality with its audience, reaching print a lifestyle, a culture that guarantees recurrence and reaffirms the individual's identity.

If you need to attract attention to sell, a company pays for each attempted call. The only way to communicate by reducing marketing costs and maintaining the necessary margins to continue existing is by creating a long-term relationship, a true story with the target audience. This is why without storytelling you can lose the second battle. This can mean losses for the business and, as an entrepreneur, aborting your dream.

Do not forget it

I hope this strategy has more than made you see that it is possible to grow in digital, it has also given you the success of your business requires more than willpower, to communicate in an attractive, efficient and convincing way the solution to a problem generating value the entrepreneur faces battles that require due knowledge. Knowing how to solve a problem is only part of the success if you want to turn this idea into a real profitable business.

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